Image by Dahtamnay, courtesy of Creative Commons licensing.
- Why You Can't Smoke Weed in States Where It's Legal (ATTN:)
- Study: Patients Report Substituting Cannabis For Opioids, Other Pain Medications (NORML)
- Why the cannabis industry will soon be bigger than the NFL (New York Daily News)
- Dismantling The Drug War: Is Cannabis a Gateway to Legalizing Drugs? (Dope Magazine)
- Koch Network Warns Trump Against 'Failed' Cannabis Fight (Leafly)
- Will the House of Representatives Let Jeff Sessions Shut Down Medical Marijuana? (NORML)
- DC Cannabis-Dealing Arrests Back to Pre-Legalization Levels (Leafly)
- Medical cannabis in Kansas: hope or hopeless? (The Garden City Telegram)
- Growing Demand Drives Flurry of Aussie-Israeli Cannabis Partnerships (Leafly)
- Data Dive: Cannabis Sales Keep Climbing in Washington and Colorado (Leafly)
- California Bill Would Ban Cannabis-Branded Hats, T-Shirts, Other Merchandise (Leafly)
- Detroit Police Sued Again For Shooting Dogs During a Marijuana Raid (Reason)
- Are Constitutional Challenges the Future of Canadian Cannabis Litigation? (Leafly)
- Oregon ranks low on cannabis industry transparency (Oregon Business)
- Growing Cannabis Bonsai Trees: Separating Fact From Fiction (Leafly)
- Cannabis World Congress lights up New York (CNET)
- With Emergency Rules, Vegas Gears Up for Nevada's July 1 Cannabis Launch (Leafly)
- Cannabis experts produce 'High'-way Code of 10 tips to help reduce health risks (The Independent)
- A viable cannabis industry requires strict controls (Puget Sound Business Journal)
- Maryland regulators want to deny license to medical cannabis farm (The Baltimore Sun)
- Cannabis club robbed at gunpoint (Berkeleyside)
- LSD to be used to treat people with depression for first time ever in UK (The Sun)
- Scientists are about to find out how Silicon Valley's LSD habit really affects productivity (Business Insider)
- LSD Microdosing: The New Silicon Valley Productivity Hack (Reason)
Psilocybin/Magic Mushrooms
- People's Pharmacy: Hallucinogen psilocybin may relieve cluster headaches (Online Athens)
- Police: Teen high on psychedelic mushrooms killed Northland teen by running him over with his vehicle (KXLF)
- What is MDMA? (ITV)
- Warning as four men rushed to hospital after taking 'potent' MDMA (Metro)
- High strength MDMA likely to be in circulation in Island (Isle of Man)
- DMT: Underground Research Masquerading As Science – Or Sound Science? (Collective Evolution)
- What it's like to experience ayahuasca (ABC)
Peyote/San Pedro/Mescaline
- San Pedro: One of the Most Potent Psychedelic Plants in the World (High Existence)
Synthetic Cannabinoids/Psychoactive Research Chemicals
- Ten people hospitalised after 'taking MDMA called Pink Champagne' had actually swallowed crystallised form of 'zombie drug' Spice (Mirror)
- You May Be Eating Chicken Contaminated With a Hallucinogenic Drug (AlterNet)
- Scientists are reformulating the party drug Ketamine to remove its terrible side effects (Quartz)
- Ketamine for Mental Health Conditions: New Findings (The Fix)
- Researchers Learn How Ketamine Acts on the Brain (PsychCentral)
- Ketamine novel approach to treating depression (Toledo Blade)
- Study proves how Ketamine fails to prevent post-operative delirium (Catch News)
- Safe injection centers are not opium dens (Los Angeles Times)
- Why is deadly fentanyl now showing up in street drugs like MDMA and cocaine? (NOW)
- An EMT's view from the front lines of America's heroin crisis (CNN)
- Inside America's 19th Century opium dens which spread across the country creating thousands of dope addicts (The Sun)
- Fox Hosts for Legalizing Heroin (Reason)
- Let them die? A controversial proposal about heroin (
- The Most Ridiculous Scenes of People Tripping on Absinthe (Supercall)
- The Best Absinthe Bars in America (Supercall)
- Kratom: The Solution to Opioid Addiction? Why Does the FDA Want it Banned? (KVRR)
- Report reveals 171 students were drinking kava in schools in last 3 years (Fijivillage)
- High Court bars implementation of miraa task force report (KDR)
- At $240 a Pound, the World's Original Coffee Producer Is Back in Business (Bloomberg)
Miscellaneous Psychedelics/Psychoactives/Drug Policy
- The Psychedelic Revolution Is Being Led by a 74-Year-Old Holocaust Survivor (VICE)
- The war on drugs is back. Will psychedelic drug research survive? (The Verge)
- New History Channel Series Unveils Dirty Secrets of America's War on Drugs (Psychedelic Times)
- Psychedelics and Virtual Reality Make a Trendy but Illegal Therapy (Inverse)
- Majority of Americans Support Psychedelic Therapy, New Poll Shows (Merry Jane)
- Open Your Mind This Weekend at Europe's Largest Psychedelic Conference (VolteFace)
- Are Brain-Boosting Performance Enhancers Invading Silicon Valley? (Inquisitr)
- Is Microdosing Just a Placebo? (The Third Wave)
- Man Jailed for 90 Days After Police Thought Drywall in His Car Was Cocaine (TIME)
- Sally Yates Condemns Jeff Sessions for Reinstating Harsh Low-Level Drug Sentences (TIME)
- Psychedelic Drugs Could Radically Improve Asia's Mental Healthcare -- If It Wasn't For Stigma (Forbes)
- Astrophysicists Finally Wonder if the Universe is Alive – Only Trail Shamans By the Entirety of Human History on that Front (Disinfo)
- Psychedelic drugs not wonder cures: Doctors (Deccan Chronicle)
Disclaimer: "This Week in Psychedelics" does not censor or analyze the news links presented here. The purpose of this column is solely to catalogue how psychedelics are presented by the mass media, which includes everything from the latest scientific research to misinformation.