Image by Dahtamnay, courtesy of Creative Commons licensing.
- Marijuana politics emerge as 2020 flash point (Politico)
- Medical Marijuana Research Act of 2017 (NORML)
- The Federal Government Is Finally Exploring Marijuana As a Medical Alternative to Opioids (Reason)
- Does Anti-Pot Prejudice Explain NRA's Reluctance to Condemn Philando Castile Shooting? (Reason)
- Medical cannabis giants eye UK for next 'green rush' ahead of the industry's first conference in London (The Telegraph)
- SMART Bill Reintroduced in Congress (NORML)
- Three men jailed for turning nuclear bunker into £2m-a-year cannabis factory (The Independent)
- How Liquor Companies Screwed Up Pot Legalization in Nevada (Reason)
- Washington State Responds To Attorney General Sessions' Veiled Threats (NORML)
- Arkansas Has Received Zero Applications to Grow or Dispense Medical Cannabis (Leafly)
- What Every Cannabis Entrepreneur Needs to Understand About the Cole Memo (Entrepreneur)
- This Cannabis-Infused Meal Box Wants to Be the New Blue Apron (Leafly)
- Governors Challenge Jeff Sessions' Tendentious Questions About Legal Pot (Reason)
- Nevada Judge Clears Way for More Cannabis Licenses (Leafly)
- L.A. City Council approves new Cannabis Department Head (Los Angeles Times)
- Cleansing With Cannabis: 4 Ways to Treat Tension With THC (Leafly)
- Holy smoke! The church of cannabis (The Guardian)
- At This LA Rehab Center, Cannabis Is an 'Exit' Drug (Leafly)
- California finds 'pot of gold' in wine and weed (CNBC)
- Utah Launches Medical Cannabis Drive (Leafly)
- Peachtree NORML Challenges the Faith and Freedom Coalition (NORML)
- Smoking Versus Edibles (The Atlantic)
- How to Corner Your Bowl of Cannabis (Leafly)
- Why marijuana isn't just 'cannabis' (The Oregonian)
- How and When to Flush Cannabis Plants (Leafly)
- Little evidence shows cannabis helps chronic pain or PTSD (Fox News)
- Acid redux: My long, strange, cancer-fighting trip back to tripping (Salon)
Psilocybin/Magic Mushrooms
- Scientific Discovery Could Lead to Mass-Produced Magic Mushroom Drug (Daily Beast)
- Magic mushrooms and the roots of witchcraft (The Spectator)
- Spores in Space: These Mushroom Trips Last Light-Years (Dope Magazine)
- Psilocybin mushrooms got rid of my anxiety and depression (Psymposia)
- Studies Show Only 40.5% Of Pills Sold In UK Contain MDMA, 34.7% Of MDMA Pure In US (Your EDM)
- Father who lost two sons to MDMA says drug should be legalised (Metro)
- Police say blue Tesla 'ecstasy' pills could contain meth and cocaine (Mixmag)
- Of Molecules and Minds: The Science of Ayahuasca (Psymposia)
- Soldiers of the Vine: Healing PTSD with Ayahuasca (Psychedelic Times)
- What Does It Actually Feel Like To Take DMT? (The Debrief)
- Dutch addiction experts warn of dangers of 'trippy tea' (The Irish Times)
Synthetic Cannabinoids/Psychoactive Research Chemicals
- Experts warn of fairly new drug that mimics LSD (KSBY)
- Fast forward to pain free: Ketamine Infusion Therapy changes lives in the community (WOODTV)
- Springfield murder defendant testifies he was too high on PCP-laced pot to understand his rights (
- Man high on PCP crashes van, shoots at random cars in Cleveland, police say (
- The Justice Department Wants to Put Small-Time Fentanyl Dealers in Federal Prison (Reason)
- The New Alcohol Epidemic Kills More Than Two and a Half Times as Many People as The Opioid Epidemic (Disinfo)
- New York becomes first state to cover co-pays for Naloxone (WHAM)
- Heroin Death Rate Among Teenagers Rises As Heroin Use Falls (Reason)
- Trump's Opioid Emergency Response (Reason)
- China-US Cooperation and the New Opium War (The Diplomat)
- What Is The Difference Between Slow, Moderate, And Fast Kratom (Kratom Guides)
- Fijians consumed $140M worth of kava last year (Fiji Village)
- Kava bar ban in Lighthouse Point faces new legal challenge (Sun Sentinel)
Miscellaneous Psychedelics/Psychoactives/Drug Policy
- The foundation of Western philosophy is probably rooted in psychedelics (Quartz)
- A Researcher Wants to Test the Effects of Microdosing on Cognitive Ability and Productivity (Futurism)
- Woman Banned from US After Border Agent Finds Proof of Drug Use on Phone (VICE)
- Police Can Hurt Dark Net Drug Rings by Leaving Dealers Bad Reviews, Study Suggests (Motherboard)
- Most Drug Expiration Dates Are Bogus, and the FDA Knows It (Reason)
- Philippines Sees the Bloodiest Night of Duterte's Drug War With 32 Killed in Raids (TIME)
- Illinois Democrat Says Elect Him Governor and He'll Commute All Low-Level Drug Sentences (The Intercept)
- Shane Mauss Brings Psychedelic-Comedy Show A GOOD TRIP to Australia this October (Broadway World)
- From Blackhawk Pilot to Plant Medicine Activist: A Conversation with Ian Benouis (Psychedelic Times)
- Music For Mystery: A Discussion with Psychedelic Futurist Michael Garfield (Reality Sandwich)
- Why Shamanic Practices Are Making a Comeback in Contemporary Art (Artsy)
- How Heartbreak and Psychedelic Drugs Brought Shakey Graves to the World (Riverfront Times)
- Texas Cops Spent 11 Minutes Searching a Woman's Vagina, Found No Drugs (Reason)
- This Philosopher Thinks Psychedelic Drugs Lead to the Truth of Experience (Big Think)
- Could religions have originated under the influence? (Los Angeles Times)
- Iran Parliament Edges Towards Softening Drug Laws to Curb Executions (U.S. News & World Report)
- Could psychedelic drugs be the ticket to improved mental health? (Cosmos)
Disclaimer: "This Week in Psychedelics" does not censor or analyze the news links presented here. The purpose of this column is solely to catalogue how psychedelics are presented by the mass media, which includes everything from the latest scientific research to misinformation.