Image by Dahtamnay, courtesy of Creative Commons licensing.
- Russia threatens to block Wikipedia over cannabis page (The Independent)
- Top 50 Most Influential Marijuana Consumers (Marijuana Policy Project)
- Are Workplace Cannabis Policies Lagging Behind The Times? (ATTN:)
- Republican voters to feds: Butt out of marijuana reform (The Washington Post)
- Where Can You Smoke Legal Pot? (Reason)
- Pioneer Pot States Have Collected More Than $200 Million In Marijuana Taxes (The Huffington Post)
- Marijuana Producers Gobble Up Warehouse Space in Denver Area (The Wall Street Journal)
- Misinformed Cannabis Policies Prevent Access to Life-Saving Treatments (Huffington Post)
- Memoninee tribal members vote yes on legalizing marijuana (TV Newsroom)
- What Marijuana Does to Your Metabolism (ATTN:)
- So what happens when teen pot smokers get older? Study finds new "surprising" answer (Rare)
- How Legal Marijuana Is Working in Colorado (Reason)
- Marijuana Does Not Affect Brain Volume, Study Finds (Time)
- Black Lives Matter Organizers Call for Marijuana Decriminalization (
- Arizona Campaign Could Earn More Than $40 Million for Schools (Marijuana Policy Project)
- Natural pest control business gets boost from medical cannabis industry (Global News)
- Chile Is About to Decriminalize Marijuana (Alternet)
- Marijuana Legalization 2015: Is It Time For The Cannabis Industry To Grow Up And Go To College? (International Business Times)
- El Cerrito: Cannabis industry figure says legalization inevitable (Contra Costa Times)
- The Movers, Shakers and Bakers in the Cannabis Revolution (The Huffington Post)
- Government issues damning response to 200,000-signature cannabis legalisation petition (The Independent)
- Despite petition, government has no plans to legalise cannabis (The Guardian)
- 'Focusing on medicinal cannabis is missing the point' (
- Cannabis Journalism Class At DU Tackles A Trailblazing Trend (CBS Denver)
- State panel considers cannabis business case (The Telegraph)
- Why medical marijuana can still get you fired in Illinois (Chicago Tribune)
- Marijuana-Legalization Campaign Outraged by Arizona Republic's Erroneous Op-Ed on Tax Revenue (Phoenix New Times)
- BC parents seeking court order to treat severely ill baby with cannabis oil (CTV News)
- Drug syndicates using profits from cannabis crops to import ice into Victoria (Herald Sun)
- Group hears ideas for distributing cannabis in Georgia (WXIA-TV)
- Would proposed rule contradict Alaska initiative on cannabis gifts? (Alaska Dispatch News)
- Artist Took LSD And Spent 9 Hours Drawing Herself To Show The Effect Drugs Have On Brain (A Plus)
- Stare Into a Person's Eyes and Weird Things Will Happen (Newser)
- The 10 Most Insane LSD Movies of All Time (Papermag)
- Know The Facts: Do You Really Know How Illegal Drugs Affect Your Health? (Medical Daily)
Psilocybin/Magic Mushrooms
- Psilocybin Mushrooms - Flesh of the Gods (Eagle Shaman)
- Psilocybin Helped Me Connect And Awaken To Life's Infinite Possibilities (
- Steve Nash to produce film on legal ecstasy in 80s-era Dallas (Fox Sports)
- Police warn about "unusually" pure ecstasy pills (Mixmag)
- Why the Party Drug Molly Isn't What You Think It Is (NBC4 Washington)
- L.A. Rave Canceled Following Suspected Drug Deaths (Los Angeles Weekly)
- Loreen admits using a natural, South America drug (oikOTimes)
- ACLU: Peyote smokers, not cake bakers, deserve their freedom (OneNewsNow)
- Toward the Sustainable Use of Iboga (Reality Sandwich)
- Global Ibogaine Conference - Tepoztlan 2016 (Reality Sandwich)
Salvia Divinorum
- Salvia prohibition to come next February: Health Canada (Ottawa Sun)
Synthetic Cannabinoids/Psychoactive Research Chemicals
- New Yorkers are taking dangerous drugs in nightclubs without even knowing it (Business Insider)
- Users describe the effects of the drug some are calling 'weaponized marijuana' (Business Insider)
- City Council wants to crack down on synthetic weed (New York Post)
- Delhi Police so far unsuccessful in tracking party drug 'Meow Meow' (The Economic Times)
- Pediatric pain control in EMS — Is Ketamine the next big thing? (
- Chris Christie blames 20-year heroin epidemic on Obama (Boing Boing)
- A Regional Breakdown Of The Heroin Epidemic (Vocativ)
- Don't smell: Cocaine, heroin found in flower shipments (Greenwich Time)
- Afghan Opium Harvesting Protected by British Occupation Forces (Center for Research on Globalization)
- Illicit Version Of Painkiller Fentanyl Makes Heroin Deadlier (National Public Radio)
- Police get drug to fight overdoses (WANE)
- The heroin epidemic's toll: One county, 70 minutes, eight overdoses (The Washington Post)
- Heroin Anonymous groups forming to provide help (Fosters)
- NATO helps Afghans fighting to prevent Taliban taking opium-growing Helmand town (Reuters)
- US must fight heroin problem abroad, as well (
- New Documentary Makes The Case For Supervised Heroin Injection Sites In New York (The Huffington Post)
- Giving pharmacists the power to combat opioid overdoses (Medical Xpress)
- Heroin overdoses lead to heavy presence of deputies in Blossom Park (Orlando Sentinel)
- People struggling to get Narcan in NH despite state law making it legal (Concord Monitor)
- Coroner says heroin overdoses on the rise in Cullman area (Cullman Times Online)
- New opium epicenter (Nepali Times)
- Pelham community gathers to discuss heroin epidemic (New Hampshire Union Leader)
- Delaware AG pushes price cut for heroin antidote (Delaware Online)
- Rauner dumps treatment from anti-heroin measure, citing cost (Chicago Tribune)
- Minnesota needs state strategy to fight pain pill, heroin addiction (Minneapolis Star Tribune)
- Heroin overdoses at Orlando condos prompt county to take action (WKMG Orlando)
- Pharmacists gain recognition for role in naloxone access (American Pharmacists Association)
- Hogan Administration Details $2M in Spending to Fight Heroin (WBOC 16)
- The Perfect Salad Has Absinthe, Cheese, and Watermelon (Munchies)
Miscellaneous Psychedelics/Psychoactives/Drug Policy
- The Psychedelic Origins of Yoga (Big Think)
- Psychedelics Cure Depression: Why Outlawing Psychedelics is the Worst Censorship of Medicine in Human History (High Existence)
- Mind Explorers are not Criminals (THC Labs)
- 'The Real History of Drugs' Educates Millions (Alternet)
- Maps reveal how much drink and drugs countries really indulge in (Daily Mail) [For more information, please visit the webpage Drugs in America vs. Europe by Recovery Brands]
- Agora Shuts Down: Dark Net's Most Popular Drug Site To Update Security As Users Scramble For Bitcoin (International Business Times)
- Psychedelic Press UK Journal 2015 Vol. IV is out now! (Psychedelic Press UK)
- How Psychedelics May Be used to Accelerate Psychotherapy (PsychCongress)
Disclaimer: "This Week in Psychedelics" does not censor or analyze the news links presented here. The purpose of this column is solely to catalogue how psychedelics (and other psychoactives) are presented by the mass media, which includes everything from the latest scientific research to misinformation.